PO Box 271523, Dallas, Texas 75227

(214) 444-8821 info@rangecomm.com

Range Safety Officers

daca-0614-88-c1000 The heart and soul of any range is the hard working men and women that act as Range Safety Officers ensuring that everyone and the public are safe.  Many times these heroes of the range are under paid and over worked but they do what they do because they have a passion for safety and shooting sports.

Range owners need to invest in their Range Safety Officers and need to create and foster an environment in which the Range Safety Officers themselves feel as if they have a vested interest in the range which in turn will ensure that they will work in the best interest of safety overall and the range.


One of the best things that a range and range management can do to help their Range Safety Officers is to provide the best level of training possibile for their RSOs, and after initial training provide continuing education through ongoing training.
